Friday, June 29, 2007


That's my score after the written part of my exam. It's not excellent, I agree, but that bloody Seneca's translation was really to much for me (as for the rest of the class)!!!!I did my best, I swear. So..what the hell do dey want more than that???What?I'd really like to know, cose I'm pretty tired of beeing mocked for every single mark I bring home, whatever it is!!I can't stand to hear again that damn voice saying "ya should have done sth better"or "ya should have work a little bit harder"!!!!!No, I won't accept this anymore, I'm pretty tired of beeing treated always like shit. I won't stand it this time...

Thursday, June 28, 2007


"...I went to the woods because I wished to live deribelately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived..."

"....we don't read or write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are memebers of the human race. And the human raced is filled with passion. And medicine, law, buisness, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Withman "O me!O life!...of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithness...of cieties filled with the foolish; what good amid these,O me, O life?" Answer. That you are here-that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?..."

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Shrek: Ogres are like onions.
Donkey: sniff...they stink?
Donkey: oh, they make you cry?
Shrek: No!
Donkey: ah, if ya leave them at the sun and they become brown and then sprout some white hairs?
Shrek: Both have layers!
Donkey: Both have layers? Sniff.. bleah... listen, not everybody like onions..Cakes!Everybody like cakes, cakes have layers!!
Shrek: I don't care what everybody like!!Ogres aren't like cakes, ogres are like onions!end of the story!

Monday, June 25, 2007


dedicato a Sarah, mamma Becca, e forse un po anche a me...sulle note di bella vera, ispirato da the libertine: lezione fondamentale che smentisce tutto quello affermato so può apparire vitale e padrone dei piaceri come John Wilmot, pace all'anima sua, ma portarsi dentro il vuoto più assoluto e un bisogno infinito di emozioni e cose autentiche che portino a commuoversi, a provare ancora qualcosa. Il vino, la follia, le dorghe di ogni sorta tra cui spiccano i sogni sono solo bassi espedienti per provare ancora emozioni forti, autentiche che continuano a sfuggire.
L'unico modo per uscire dall'assenza di vento dell' apatia e avviarsi verso il trionfo o la rovina indifferentemente (entrambi sono meglio della bonaccia) è amare...farsi trascinare dal vortice ormonale dell' innamoramento, seguire il proprio istinto fino in fondo...vivere ogni attimo come se fosse l'unico, dedicare ogni istante a quegli occhi e assaporare ogni singolo sorso di vita prima che scompaia!e poter dire di non aver solo atteso ma vissuto...
size the day...

Friday, June 22, 2007


C'era un tempo in cui sapevo trovare le parole giuste e consolare o stupire la gente con frasi poetiche, romantiche quasi. Ricordo che mi ascoltavano e vedevo le mie parole trasformarsi in emozioni nei loro occhi ed ero felice per questo. Sapevo dire cose dolci, con altrettanta dolcezza. Ora, non riesco più, non solo, ma neanche mi emoziono quando qualcuno mi dice le parole che avrei potuto formulare io un tempo, mi sembrano idiozie. Che abbia imparato a vivere?Non credo...le batoste,le figure di merda e le debolezze sono bene o male le stesse, solo che rovo una gran rabbia. Una volta vivevo di sogni e tenerezza, adesso di illusioni e rabbia...che bell' affare...

"...I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it, and the bloom is gone..."

-Oscar Wilde-

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

...quando scende la tristezza e invade gli occhi...

it was only an essay after all...a simple one, still I'm sooo tired!!!I got an headchake and I'm so week and sleepy....I don't know...just wanna sleep....and tomorrow the next...latin translation this need to sleep a lot...The good point is that I've one less test to do...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Beethoven non mente mai....

yesterday I got my driving licence, I didn't think it would be so easy....tomorrow there is the first written test of my final exam (well, mine and an half million other students's ), I thought I'd be more stressed...It seems that I've lost the ability of getting nervous during and before an important exam...This would be a pretty positive lost if only I could not getting nervous even in other situations in which I still act like an idiot...but this is another story...let's see tomorrow....

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I realized sth interesting...I hate teenager's couples, I hate seeing people kissing, only the idea of spending even a second of my time with somebody who'll tell me sth sweet make me nauseated, when someone tells me I'm beautiful or sth like that the first answer that comes to my mind is " this is not your f***ing buisness" and the second " you're a bloody liar". When I think to the possibility of changing my daily routine to see or call a boy I get nausea, I am disgusted when I heard or see my classmets talking always about their boyfriends or not going out in the evening cose they have to see their boyfriends...I can't stand tenderness, compliments, sweet phrases or songs, I don't like beeing in love and try to avoid it as much as I can, I hate gealousy, I.........well, I think it's I an alien?

Monday, June 11, 2007


Dato che devo recuperare 5 mesi di assenza di internet comincerò a scrivere qualche cazzata...parecchie a dire il vero...cominciamo col parlare di relazioni umane. Dopo 18, ormai quasi 19 anni di attenta osservazione sono giunta alla conclusione che ci sono persone molto sfortunate destinate a non sapere mai come comportarsi con la gente e a rimanere sole, odiate da tutti, fin tanto che dura la loro misera esistenza. Appurato ciò, e considerato che almeno 2 dei suddetti soggetti vivono a stretto contatto con me (non facciamo nomi, chi ha orecchie intenda), mi sono riproposta di trovare delle cause nobili per questo loro comportamento indisponente o carattere di merda che dir si voglia. Non ne ho trovate. Ho meglio, ne ho trovate nella paura, nell' insicurezza, in una debolezza paragonabile, se non superiore, a quella in cui vertevo io fino a poco tempo fa. Ma non è una giustificazione, se non altro perchè io ne sono venuta fuori. Se ce l' ho fatta io può farcela chiunque basta avere un pò di voglia e di coraggio. Se codesti due individui sono ridotti davvero così male da non rendersi nemmeno conto della loro miseria, allora non meritano altro che il mio più sincero disprezzo.
fine della considerazione odierna.

School is over, inernet's back...what more can I desire? Yes, I know I have to strudy for the exam...but is not a problem!!!Oh I'm so happy today...Even spending all the afternoon studying greek literature seems a plasure!!!oh yes!!!just wonderful after all...

Friday, June 01, 2007


I've just realised that time is running away really fast, life is too short!!!I'm starting to think I'm loosing my time doing nothing and I shouldn't cose another year is gone and I'm still the same little child with loads of dreams but not a single project...basicly I'm scared...the future makes me scared...I just wanna enjoy every single moment of my life!!!