Monday, January 26, 2009


random thoughts in random order.

1. occupation. Cambridge students are occupying in favour of Gaza. Demanding the intervention of the university. On that point sir: the occupation seems far to civilized to me. They are being very polite and very british. No bombs, vandalism, shouts, incovenients for other students, nothing, just pacific protest. Good Lord! so different from Italy. I didn't go and probably won't. Not because I don't agree but in name of my old good principle of not getting involved. It's either me leading the revolution or me staying at home. I'm there in spirit tho. 

2. I'm here at 4 o'clock in the morning, anguish, a bit of wine and will to course. (not to quote Francesco there..) same silly behaviour. same panic. same me. hell yeah!! but good point is that I'm loving in it. good news innit? I'll probs go to bed in a tick just for kicks, just to forget about all this, cough and die. Good plan. 

In the meantime

John Barleycorn must die 


Lorenzo Felice Cameroni said...

Insomma le persone civili che occupano civilmente ti annoiano... :-D

Ma poi cosa dici a me che vado a dormire tardi che tu sei sveglia alle 4 del mattino... :-P


onar said...

beh... nn erano veramente le quattro del mattino.. ma la canzone dice così quindi ci atteniamo al testo.. o no??

loro sono troppo civili!!! è questo il problema..hanno trovato il modo di occupare senza dare fastidio a nessuno. ma proprio nessuno. nessuno li caga. nessuno. percarità va bene essere educati ma se vuoi che ti ascoltino un po di casino lo devi fare!!! o no?


бела said...

"They are being very polite and very british. No bombs, vandalism, shouts, incovenients for other students, nothing, just pacific protest. Good Lord!"

heheh. damn right. where i come from there would be fire, barricades, there would be noise and bleeding noses. i almost forgot that! but here we offer tea and biscuits, and excuse ourselves as we leave.
even when you protest against the written law, there's no escaping the unwritten rules of Cambridge.
the whole system is impotent and paralysed by its debates, formality and intellectualising.

still, it's a learning process. that was a really late first lesson.