Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Here I am,with my half smashed face, packing my stuff with a funny sad mood covering all my moves like a cover...I don't wanna go. I'm living in a dream, I don't want to weak up. I fear that these 2 marvelous months could not be enough, that all my achievements, my goals, all the strength I now feel in my flesh, in my hand, could disappear as soon as I reach that bloody soil. I know, I know, we are who we chose to be, still I'm scared. I don't wanna go. Let me dream a little bit more.... let me here please... let me feel that I deserve to live, that I'm not shit, that I am. please, let me stay in Cambridge...............


Hube o Liuk said...

quanto ti invidio


Lorenzo Felice Cameroni said...

la webcam è decisamente rotta, si .... :-p



onar said...

beh Came ERA rotta, ora si èmagicamente aggiustata...sai com'è, nn si può mai fidare della