Sunday, April 29, 2007


"...sbagli, ti inganni, ti sbagli soldato io non ti guardavo con malignità..."

Le cose non sono mai come credi, specialmente quelle che fanno più paura e più male. Ogni dolore racchiude una gemma splendente e ogni paura una speranza. Come diceva Nietzche, vi sono tante aurore che ancora devono risplendere. E se lo diceva lui...

Friday, April 27, 2007


penso proprio che quest' estate troverò un buco per andarci...a dito se non ho ancora preso la patente...completamente sola, io e il silenzio, mare e qualcosa da leggere. Chissà che non riesca anche a scrivere...ah, la solitudine, non abbiamo niente di più prezioso..

Thursday, April 26, 2007


C'è chi dice che la rovina della politica italiana è dovuta alla presenza del Vaticano in Italia, e, soprattutto, al pontificato di Benedetto XVI. Ora, io non sono del tutto d'accordo...l' ultima monarchia assoluta della storia deve pur esistere da qualche parte, se non altro per ricordarci che non ci siamo evoluti poi molto dal 1700 a questa parte. In secondo luogo ritengo non ci sia da stupirsi se Ratzinger sta conducendo una politica estera alquanto azzardata: era già scritto nel nome che ha scelto, Benedetto XV era il Papa che ruppe il secolare silenzio della Chiesa per intervenire condannando WW1.Nome più programmatico di così...
Mi preoccupa tuttavia la reazione della gente agli interventi di Santa Romana Chiesa nella nostra politica: secondo me la Chiesa come istituzione ha tutto il diritto di esprimere la sua opinione, ma non vedo perchè si debba darle più peso di quanto non si darebbe alla mia.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

just a little bit of Tamara...

Monday, April 23, 2007


"...fiumi, poi campi, poi l'alba era viola, bianche le torri che infine toccò, ma c'era sulla porta quella nera signora e stanco di fuggire la sua testa chinò..."

Ascoltandola, oggi, sono stata fulminata da due pensieri fondamentali.
Il primo è: tendiamo a classificare come stronzi coloro che si comportano seguendo le regole di un egocentrismo sfrenato, ma gli egocentrici sono sempre, inequivocabilmente, persone deboli o disadattate o entrambe. Ergo meriterebbero la nostra compassione più sincera invece che l'odio che tendiamo a riservare loro.
Il secondo è: ci sono delle cose che accadono solo perchè devono accadere, punto. Non serve a niente affannarsi a correre nella direzione opposta perchè se deve succedere succederà. Anzi, probabilmente sarebbe meglio non fuggire affatto.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Oh yes!!I'm off, out of it, free again!!!and now I know for sure it was a can I possibly have even thought that he was worthing, I don't say my actention, but a single second of my precious life???Gosh, I must have been dumb!!!It's so ovious that he doesn't!!now it's perfecly clear that I've lost my time...I just wanna enjoy my new happiness!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I was strong, I was untouchble, I wasn't depending on anybody, I was simply free and happy...and now? What happened to that girl? I've been figthing for years to become what I was and when I reached it life was so wonderful! And now? Am I really different or have I still the power I used to have? Can I just don't think about that, change my mind and continouing smiling and having fun?Should I stop comunicating or should I insult him before to go?To many questions....yeah really to many...I need to sleep over it..I need a break...

Sunday, April 15, 2007


The Clash, Should I stay or should I go
Queen, The show must go on

Saturday, April 14, 2007

He's back.

Friday, April 13, 2007


I was considering that it would be great to have a cicisbeo...ecxpecially during spring time...yeah, it's a real pity that we don't have cicisbeos (?) anymore..

Thursday, April 12, 2007

no words...only memories...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I believe that when you meet somebody for the first time the image you have of them is perfect, pure, without prejudices or sad memories (well, without memories at all). It shine like a pearl. But it's just a second, then you loose it forever as far as you know this person. And it's a pity, cose whatever this person turns out to be won't be as perfect as that pearl. Probably we should avoid to know anybody just to keep that pearl in our mind...but we'll have a life without memories...I don't know...


do you believe in destiny?
I mean, is there something that decides for you what's going to happen?
Are we really free to decide about our lives?
Should we fight against it or let it chose for us?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

He had it coming
he had it coming
he only have himself to blame
if you have been there,
if you have seen it
I betcha you would have done the same.

He took a flower
In its prime
And then he used it
and he abused it
It was a murder
but not a crime.

It doesn't concern Easter at all but I needed to talk about that...Ladies I wish to hear your opinion about boys, in this period of my life I think that they are here only to hurt us and well decieve us and then make us cry...not every boy, of course, but most of them are egoistic, think only for themselves, believe that if they feel ok it doesn't matter at all if you are crawling...
that's my opinion..tell me if I'm wrong!!!oh I'll post this beautiful song from Chicago ( if you haven't seen it yet you have to!!) which ecxplaines perfectely my thoughts...enjoy!!

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Today is the day of silence...Today is the day without time, there's no hurry at all only relax and peace...Today is the day in which you can read and study for your own soul...Today is the day, the Holy Day in which Jesus went to Hell to woke up people there..Today is the day in which i suddenly realized that I'm not part of my family I'm bored here I need to build a new life without these people...Today is the day in which I finally cried after months of sadness...Today is the day in which i realized that I know exacly what I want and I decided to fight for it...Today is the day...

Friday, April 06, 2007

I'M BACK!!!!

Ladies and gents I'm back!!thanks to italian telecom (I don't have words to describe this service, maybe you can find a proper adjective..)I didn't have internet for 2 months!!I'm sorry...really..but now I'm back!tell me every news please,make me feel a little bit more in the world...I was so lonely...