Thursday, October 05, 2006


I've created this one to check how much do you know me and of course how much do you remeber of our holidays!Try.....">


Jul said...

I scored 92!The questions i hesitated about were:when i pick up the phone...well,i desided i should definitely say tu-tuuuuuu!The other was what is the best thing to hear in the evening...i thought about drunk english girls and polish laughter.Desided to pick laughter,cause as far as we all are concerned drunk english girls are not very nice,espessially when they keep asking you for a sigarette!And the other thing was...I don't remember.So you say I'm a LAYDYBOY???Well,sorry,but just technically...i can't be a laydyBOY!If you wanna me to be one,i could be,but only a laydygirl(though it makes no sence).Just call me Chicken!

onar said...

Chicken?!not turky in orange souce made from apples?!anyway you desised right both times...and of course you're not a ladyboy..just kidding...:-p

Jul said...

Turkey?Was i turkey...?Oh god...i don't remember myself.
Yours sincerely,turkey with bad memory

Anuta said...

dear marghe thank you for al pacino and you can congratulate me ive scored 100!!! the questions are great you are the best!

onar said...

thank you Anna!I knew you weren't a ladyboy,but I wanted to check anyway...:-p...congratulations!!!